We sat down with Manish Mishra, MBBS, the Chief Medical Officer of the Texas Healthcare and Diagnostic Center, to discuss. When someone’s at risk for suicide, they may feel like they Does Ketamine Cause Cardiac Arrest don’t belong. They may think they’re a burden to others and begin to develop a higher pain tolerance and fear of suicide. The more we talk about it, the more we can create space for support, healing, and recovery. These are increases of 27% among boys and men, and 35% among girls and women from just a few years earlier (2016–2017).
Suicide by alcohol overdose
Research on the link between alcohol and substances in suicide has been driven by the prevalent involvement of alcohol and substance abuse in suicide cases. There is a multitude of factors to be considered when examining the correlation between substance abuse and suicide as independent variables with an anecdotally strong interdependent relationship. Excessive drinking makes up around 18% of ER visits and over 22% percent of overdose-related deaths compared to other substance misuse products like opioids. In our research, it was found that a higher frequency and quantity of alcohol consumed plays a major role in death by suicide. The more heavily and habitually one drinks, the more vulnerable they are to these risks.
Data Availability Statement
In 2017, alcohol was found in 602 suicide victims, whereas in the year 2020 it was found 521 suicides. Drug poisoning can also be of a mixed nature, especially if multi-drug poisoning or alcohol and drug poisoning occurs 12. Mixing alcohol with drugs intensifies its effects, which may have tragic consequences, especially for people already burdened with mental problems. Our study has limitations inherent to spontaneous reporting systems analysis (e.g., underreporting, unverified and incomplete reports, notoriety bias). Therefore, the use of the FAERS is appropriate only to generate hypotheses to be verified by further studies. We found a higher reporting of DSP in young adults (37 23–51), with fatalities being reported more often in older men.
Risk factors
We located two studies exploring relationships between suicide attempts and the Christmas holiday. In the first, Nakamura et al15 examined the medical records of 269 Hawaiian adolescents in two hospitals. Findings indicated that there was a decrease in suicide attempts during the Christmas holiday, with a rebound increase during the New Year holiday. In a 2005 study from Denmark, Makela et al11 examined all cause-of-death designations between the years 1987 and 2001 using a population registry. Among other holidays, Christmas was described as having a higher rate of observed deaths due to alcohol poisoning compared with the expected death rate. In addition to misuse patterns, two studies have examined fatal alcohol poisonings during the Christmas holiday.
- Data were analyzed and the results were reported using a random effects model 22.
- FAERS data also include information about the therapy regimen and dosages.
- Table 3 also illustrates that there were statistically significant interactions of BAC and age, Asian/Pacific Islander race, and Hispanic ethnicity.
- However, the confounding effect was not completely ruled out because some studies reported crude forms of RR or OR estimates.
- A completed suicide is “a death caused by self-directed injurious behavior with any intent to die as a result of the behavior” 16.
- This happens when poisonous liquids are stored in bottles with labels of vodkas, wines, or other alcoholic drinks.
These results underscored the importance of considering both alcohol use and alcohol dosage in models of the drinking–suicide link. According to data from the United States Census Bureau, the most commonly reported religious identification in this country is a Christian affiliation.1 As a predominantly Christian country, the two most significant religious holidays are Christmas and Easter. Given this backdrop, do religious holidays in the United States, such as Christmas, affect psychopathology? In this edition of “The Interface,” we discuss the existing empirical evidence regarding the effect of Christmas on psychopathology. In preparation for doing so, we carried out a literature search from 1980 to the present in both the PsycINFO and PubMed databases, using the search terms Christmas, suicide, depression, psychiatric disorders, and self-harm behavior. We included studies on Christmas phenomena from other countries as well as the United States to obtain a broad sense of this relationship, if any.
Apart from these limitations, spontaneous reporting systems allow the inexpensive collection of timely and large amounts of information from the entire world and from complex and heterogeneous conditions. Compared with other sources of forensic data, they allow the collection of information on both fatal and non-fatal events, and on any kind of drug. The high number of rich-in-information reports gathered by the FAERS may be used for a drug-by-drug assessment useful to design more informed and specific regulatory interventions.
It is employed to investigate unexpected drug reactions and it was recently explored to investigate drug misuse and abuse, including DSP 29, suicide ideation as an adverse reaction 30–32, and suicide prodromes 33. We aimed to investigate its potential use as a complementary source to characterize the DSP phenomenon, including both fatal and non-fatal cases, with a particular focus on risk factors, temporal trends, medications used, toxidromes and LDs. Its ability to gather detailed spontaneous reports with a cheap and real-time strategy will constitute a powerful ally in the development of targeted preventative approaches to reduce fatalities and severe sequelae 23.